Digital Multiplex (DMX) is a controller used to control the stage lights. It gives the stage’s lightning needs the ultimate control. DMX gives us the advantage of controlling the lights from the same station instead of controlling the set of lights from individual stations. Audio visual industry had to take a break because of dmx controller, since it allows to control all the sets of lightning from a single station. This gave people the freedom and flexibility to create the lighting shows according to their desires. There are different components that require DMX to work. To create a DMX first thing, you need is a source. Source can be achieved with the help of computer interface which converts flash drive into DMX with the help of DMX software. By the click of the mouse, you get full control of infinite presets allowed by the DMX software. Another way also known as traditional way, is to generate DMX with the help of DMX console. This way is not used these days much. Since there could be problems with this kind of way when DMX consoles are known to be limited than DMX software everything is done manually. This may vary the performances.
Once you have your origin of DMX signal, it is time you need DMX fixtures. DMX operate with almost all sort of lightning fixtures. After interlinking your fixtures with each other all you have to do is address them. A start DMX channel signal will be given to the addressing fixtures, meaning each fixture will get a signal. The signal will tell the fixture that it is time to operate or work. The amount if channels to work will be given to each fixture. The number of channels in all the fixtures must be same. Now a days wireless DMX controllers are competent in programming any product of DMX. DMX comes in different shapes, sizes and all DMX have different specifications. Some can control almost 4 separate fixtures and have 16 DMX channels while some can control up to 12 separate fixtures having 192 DMX channels. Some require large space while some can fit in a small space squeezing their channels in half. DMX are highly flexible with MIDI support.
You can use DMX controller on almost all big and great occasions. Most DMX controllers are normally used in clubs, night parties, school and college performances, in some bars, church if there is a performance and in concerts. Concerts, parties and clubs are the main three places in which DMX controller is a need. Without DMX controllers they can’t work.